It is hard to find the words to express all that I feel for you...impossible actually. But, I want to try. So that years from now you can look back and read this, and maybe somehow, you will know how deeply loved you have always been.
You are two years old now, and I can't believe what an amazing little person you already are. Every day, you learn new things. Every day, you surprise us, you teach us, and you love us.
I truly love every moment I spend with you. I love playing in the backyard with you, blowing bubbles and watering the plants. I love reading books to you, and I love when you say, "more" after every book I read. I love giving you a bath. I love how you enjoy playing in the water and splashing around with your animals. You sure love your baths!
I love taking you for walks and jogs in the are so content to be with me and sit and watch the world go by. I love taking you swimming and to the beach. You are so brave and you love to play and try new things. I love taking you to Disneyland..your favorite rides are Small World and Teacups..or "teapups". We have so much fun together, wherever we go. I love being with make me so happy.
Sometimes, you are tired, and you say, "hold you", when you want me to hold you. I love to hold you when you are tired. I love when you put your arms around my neck and say, "mommy." It makes me feel like the most important person in the world, because you need me and want me. When you are scared, you bury your face in my neck, and I love helping you feel safe and protected. When you are in trouble, you grab my face and kiss me so that I won't scold or spank you. (Sometimes it works because you make me laugh!)
I want you to know that you are a gift from God. He knew that we needed you...that we needed your laughter, your smile, your kisses, and your hugs. He knew that we needed a reminder of joy and love...and that's exactly what you are. You have brought so much joy and love to ALL of us when we needed it most.
I also want you to know how much Bapa loved you. He adored you, my girl. We would visit him every day, and his face lit up when he saw you. He couldn't get down on the floor and play with you, but that didn't matter to you. You would climb up on his lap, and he would read you books for hours. You made him feel special and useful and loved. You meant the world to him. His deepest regret was that he wouldn't get to watch you grow up...because he loved you so much. But, I am so glad that you were able to spend your first two years with him. You knew each other, and you loved each other very much. I hope you never forget that.
So, my sweet girl, thank you for the joy you bring. I can not wait to watch you grow. You are treasured deeply. You are loved beyond words.
Happy second birthday..I love you,
Your Mommy