Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What did you get into now?

I hadn't seen the dog, Coby, for a few minutes. That's always a bad sign. So, I called him, and he came slowly into the living room a few seconds later, with his head down and his tail between his legs. His face around his mouth was covered with a sticky white substance. As I wondered what he had gotten into now, hoping it wasn't something dangerous like cleaning supplies, I walked around the corner and found a can of infant formula(I'm supplementing) with the lid chewed off, contents spilled onto the floor. I had left it on the kitchen table...MY bad! Forgot to put it up on the shelf where the DOG can't JUMP.

I love this dog, but sometimes, I swear, if he wasn't so darn cute..

Reasons he's a pain:
1. He's not potty trained- poops/pees on the floor daily. Our dining room smells like a zoo. 
2. He gets into the trashcan if we leave the bathroom door open. If I get lazy and throw a dirty diaper away in there, I regret it later when it is chewed up and strewn across the bathroom floor. 
3.He barks at loud noises and people, mostly men. Too bad we live in a men's dorm. Lots of both.
4. When gate or front door are open, he takes off, usually chasing after the men mentioned above. 
5.He harrasses our other dog, Sapp, an older black lab. Poor Sapp.
6. He has a problem with chewing on his paws, then keeping us awake at night, hacking on hairballs. 

I could go on, but I will stop there. Moving on to happier times..

Reasons we keep him:
1. I insist..Jon would give him away in a heartbeat.
2. Coby picked me. He escaped from my parents' house twice and came to my back door!
3. He only goes to the bathroom in ONE room in the house. :)
4. He loves Madeline. He guards her cradle, sticks his nose in and checks on her when she's sleeping, and runs to her first when she's crying. 
5. He jumps into my arms when I come home. 
6. No matter what, I love him!!

Any other dog lovers out there who don't think I'm totally crazy?

1 comment:

Brazenlilly said...

Sometimes my friends with no kids tell me that after reading my blog they think they'll wait a little longer. Your post makes me, a non-dog-lover, never want a dog! (Don't worry--it was already planted in my head. These stories just don't change my mind.)