Wednesday, November 12, 2008

First Bites and Big Decision

   Madeline has just started eating rice cereal. Here are some shots, in NO particular order, of one of her first times tasting anything but milk/formula. I'm still not sure how she feels about it. 


In other news, I wrote a few months ago about not wanting to go back to work full time.  As it got closer, I felt more and more strongly about that. We(I) looked things over and realized we can make it work if I just do something part time like tutor or sub once a week. So, I gave my district notice of my leave and it's now official.
I love being a mom, and I am so happy that I can continue to be "home" with Madeline each day. 
I am still adjusting to the new budget. It is a whole new thing for me to look at prices at the grocery store and not just buy whatever looks good! 
Of course, it's totally worth it. I know that I will look back on this time with joy and thankfulness. Because that's what I feel now. 


Brazenlilly said...

Wow, Steph! I'm so glad you were able to make it work. It does take some getting used to with the strict budget. My best advice is to plan meals and shop in advance so you're less likely to eat out. We are really close to giving Syd her first bite too! The doc thinks that's why she's waking up more at night--she's hungry! Mad is so stinkin' adorable. I love her hair so much.

edie said...

I love that little girl of yours! And I'm so happy that you are able to make things work to stay home with her. I've been wondering how that was going so I'm glad you updated us. Yes, getting used to a strict budget isn't easy but I've come to like the challenge.

I'm really happy for you, Steph!

Anonymous said...

I love that last picture! She is so cute. You should write captions underneath the pictures. Let us know what Madeline is thinking.

Becca (look...nothing funny)

Sarah said...

Yay solids! I love your little tank-a-roo! :) And good for you guys in your decision ... you won't regret it.

The Unlikely Pastor's Wife said...

that's great Steph! yay for you :-)