Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Warning: Confessions and Controversial Issues Ahead

Confession #1- I am pro-life.
Confession #2- I am voting for McCain. 
Confession #3-One of the main reasons that I'm voting for McCain is because he is prolife. 

Yes, it's true. I am basing my vote not completely but largely on a "single issue." But this does not make me uneducated, naive, or judgemental. I am none of those things. I'm actually pretty educated and accepting of others and open to change. But, I hate that (I feel like) it has become "uncool" to be someone who feels strongly about abortion, even strong enough to let it affect your decision of who our next president should be. 

I recently read an article that inspired me to write this post. I was going to put it on my blog, but my husband beat me to it. It affirmed for me my belief that all political issues are not equal. I care about the economy, but I do not feel that unemployment or high gas prices or health care  are on the same level of importance as the legal killing of unborn children. 

I am not writing this post to convince anyone that abortion is wrong or to vote for McCain(not that I could even if I wanted to.) I am simply stating my opinion in a time when it's not the most popular opinion to hold. And that's ok. If you feel similarly to me at all, then at least you now know you are not alone, though it may feel like it!


Anonymous said...

AMEN Sister!! I totally agree. -Kel :)

Lisa P said...

Thanks for putting yourself out there. I have felt like that with Prop 8 in our area. I'm not anti-gay, but I'm hugely pro-marriage. It's hard to clarify that sometimes without being judged.

Diane Davis said...

i love you and am glad you don't live in a swing state. :)

Unknown said...

Okay, how can you NOT be drawn in by a title like that?!:) I'm a friend of Jen T.'s and saw this pop up on her page. First of all, right there with ya sister. So many more things I would love to say in response to this, but you already said it so well. Thanks for your boldness. I think we'll be surprised in the end about how many people actually feel the same way and are voting this way (no matter how things turn out.)

nabz said...

thank you stephanie for writing this bit!! i also wrote in my blog about pro-life as i also am sooo pro-life & tired of how our culture has accepted it as ok among other things! side note: your daughter is a beauty and it was such a pleasure to meet her in person!

Brazenlilly said...

Steph, thanks for being so bold! I do feel like there is a new wave in the Christian circles that having any conservative leanings is prudish or old-fashioned--in a bad way. Like, if you are educated, then you are automatically going to be liberal.

I am pro-life as well (although I feel there is more hope for peripheral abortion issues like partial birth and parental notification) and although I'm probably more "in the middle" than you, I feel ridiculed enough by hardcore non-Christian leftwingers...I don't need fellow believers making me feel ignorant or--heaven FORBID!--intolerant because of my beliefs.

Alli said...

I agree, Steph. I am not thrilled with either of our choices for President, although I am voting for McCain for several reasons. Abortion is at the top of my list. It's not the only reason (I've been accused of being a one issue voter), but like you, it is the most important. Protecting human life is more important than taxes, the economy, the deficit, etc. I am outraged by the genocide occuring in Darfur, but I fail to see how some people can be outraged by that genocide and accepting, even supportive, of the American genocide of unborn babies. I read this article last week, which was pretty shocking: http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/viewarticle.php?selectedarticle=2008.10.14_George_Robert_Obama's%20Abortion%20Extremism_.xml

Thanks again for your honest and heartfelt post. And P.S., Madeline is adorable!!!

The Unlikely Pastor's Wife said...
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The Unlikely Pastor's Wife said...

This is a great post Steph....and I commend your braveness to speak out about it. I am pro-life as well....but I also include other things under that term.

I include in there the right to life for everyone, the unborn, the poor, the uneducated, the helpless.

One of the things that really held me back from voting for McCain was his stance on the war. I feel like so many innocent are dying over there...and not just American troops.

I also agree with Allison, that the genocide in Darfur is heartbreaking and atrocious.

Innocent are dying all over and it just breaks me.......

Funny how the issue of pro-life took us to a different candidate :-)

P.S. sorry I am on the late train on this post....and btw....Allison is sooooooo right.
Madeline is adorable!!!

Stephanie said...

I don;t know if you will come back and read this, but I'm going to respond anyway.
I could say a lot about what you wrote, but I think I will just make a few points.
1. Caring about people who are disadvantaged is wonderful, but comparing abortion to the poor and uneducated is ridiculous. Killing the poor is not legal. Killing the uneducated is not legal. Killing unborn babies IS legal. Particularly in regards to the uneducated...we live in a free country and I work in a public school. Everyone is entitled to an education. Meanwhile, half of all pregnancies in the U.S. are ending in abortion. Like I said, there is no comparison.
2. The numbers of innocent civilians killed in Iraq since our occupation five years ago,in TOTAL, is in the thousands(at the most.) On the other hand, There are 3,700 abortions A DAY (in our country) and 42 million a year. And, under Barack's policies, that number will increase.

While there are definitely other issues going on, and many are suffering, there is nothing in OUR country, like the massive numbers of babies being killed.

I guess the term pro-life is too vague. By your defintion, pro-life means putting abortion in the same category as caring about the war and the uneducated. This is not what I meant. I am not just pro-life, I am anti-abortion. Apparently, there's a difference.

Stephanie said...

oops...I have a few corrections. The 42 million abortions a year is worldwide. In the US it's "only" 1.7 million a year. Also, half of all pregnancies don;t end in abortion...but half of unwanted pregnancies end in abortion.
(Stats from Gutmacher Institute 2008)